Original Project: The demolition of nine existing structures totaling 9,650 square feet, for the construction of 229 small lot units on a 56.7-acre site. The development will be a private community with gated access and private roads. Lot sizes will range from 2,560 to 10,720 square feet in area. Lot widths will range from 32 feet to 40 feet: 84 lots will have a width of 32 feet, 80 lots will have a width of 35 feet, and 65 lots will have a width of 40 feet. The proposed homes will range in size from 1,800 to 2,700 square feet in building area and will have a maximum height of 30 feet (two-stories). Two basic models are proposed: 137 units will have four bedrooms while 92 will have five bedrooms. Each home will have a two-car garage. The proposed 229 homes will be built in two locations. Most of the homes (211 units) will be built in the southeast corner of the Project Site on the portion of the site occupied by the Verdugo Hills Golf Course*. A further 18 homes will be built farther to the north, between the Verdugo Wash right-of-way on the west and Tujunga Canyon Boulevard on the east.
Recommended Project (Alternative 6a -Reduced Walkable Village): All residential development consisting of 215 homes on the 57.45-acre Project Site. Lot sizes would range from 2,768 to 10,530 square-feet in area. The proposed homes would range in size from 1,800 to 2,700 square-feet in building area and would have a maximum height of 30 feet (two stories). Each single-family detached home would have a two-car garage. Proposed Lot 223 would be the designated Historic Cultural Monument area.
Above is copy as printed on the meeting notice.
If you would like to see the Environmental Documents related to this proposal you can view them from the City Planning Website at https://planning.lacity.org/
Then select Environmental Review, then Final EIR. Then scroll to 6433 La Tuna Canyon
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